Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragon



Coleus 'Yosemite'(height 10"-12"; trailing)

Part of the Great Falls line of trailing coleus, the small rounded leaves of 'Yosemite' are yellow with a jagged green edge. Few trailing coleus are available with this color palate, and it is great for brightening up a shady planting. It looks its best when protected from full sun. The constrained growth of this series makes it perfect for gently cascading over the edge of combination pots and for tidy hanging baskets and urns.

Common Name: Coleus
Species name: Coleus scutellarioides
Temperature: Coleus come from a tropical climate and need warm temperatures to thrive. Do not plant outdoors until temperatures are reliably above 60 degrees at night. Optimal temperature range for coleus is 70°F to 100°F.
Hardiness: Tender perennial generally grown as an annual in the USA. Coleus will not survive a frost.
Exposure: Part sun or high shade for best color. Some coleus tolerate full sun. Harden off new arrivals before planting.
Water: Keep evenly moist. Avoid soggy soil with good drainage. Do not allow to get completely dry.
Fertilizer: Fertilize regularly at half-strength or use timed-release fertilizer.
Soil: Use high-quality potting soil or plant in garden soil rich in organic matter.
Blooms: Flower spikes in shades of purple and blue. Keep flower buds pinched since unchecked blooming will cause the plant to go into decline.
Spacing: 8"-15" in garden beds, pots and baskets can be planted more densely.
Ships as: Single or multi-branched starter plant averaging 3" to 9" tall. Plant immediately on arrival.
For more information please read our Coleus Care guide.

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