Coleus in this group are green or predominantly green. This includes a range from chartreuse to bright green to dark green. Leaf color is subject to sun exposure, day length, fertilization, etc. and individual results may vary.
Coleus 'Abigail' (height 18"-24"; upright) Puckered and scalloped leaves of medium olive green have bright purple veining. Exposure to sunlight will deepen the purple tones. Sun tolerant. A Rosy Dawn Gardens...
Coleus 'Big Blonde' (large 24"-36"; upright) Large, yellow-green leaves are accented by purple veining and stems. A tall, robust grower and sun tolerant. ...
Coleus 'Butter Creme' (height 18"-26"; upright) Heavily ruffled and deeply textured, these bright green leaves have a pale yellow-to-white center. Great contrast and very eye-catching! Plant habit is erect and sturdy....
Coleus 'Charlie McCarthy' (height 12"-18"; mounding) This cute duckfoot variety has a bright green leaf with a purple "heart." The leaves are small but the plant is extremely vigorous! Great for hanging...
Coleus 'Electric Lime' (height 18"-24"; upright) The leaves of this lime-green coleus are covered with a contrasting net of bright yellow. So many gardeners depend on the popular and sturdy' Electric Lime'...
Coleus 'Gay's Delight' (height 16"-24"; upright) Wide chartreuse leaves with thin, nearly black veining. Sun tolerant. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus scutellarioidesTemperature: Coleus come from a tropical climate and need...
Coleus 'Terra Nova Green Lantern' (height 10"-12"; mounding) Terra Nova® 'Green Lantern' has both lime green foliage and a mounding habit. With a full habit and tangy green ruffled foliage, it is...
Coleus 'Jo-Jo' (height 16"-24"; upright) Beautiful, chartreuse leaves with bright green netting are displayed on a husky plant. A warm red/pink blush may develop in the leaf center. Protect from...
Coleus 'Lemon & Lime' (height 18"-24"; upright) Crisp, green leaves with hints of purple veining and a bright, lemon-yellow edge. Frilly and pretty as well as sun-tolerant! The winter color...
Coleus 'Miss Monahan' (height 20"-26"; upright) Bright green leaves have pale yellow centers and are liberally flecked with shades of purple and pink. Vigorous grower. A Vern Ogren introduction. Common Name:...
Coleus 'Morning After'(height 14"-18"; upright) Beautiful rosettes of finger-like bright green leaves with an edging of deep purple. Striking! Sun tolerant. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus scutellarioidesTemperature: Coleus come from...
Coleus 'Main Street Rodeo Drive'(height 16"; upright) Mainstreet Rodeo Drive™ has toothy, bright green leaves. Dark purple veining and edge provide beautiful contrast. The Main Street series are compact, uniform...
Coleus 'Salsa Verde'(height 12"-18"; mounding) From Ball Floraplant's FlameThrower™ series, this coleus features bright foliage colors in a compact plant, ideal for small pots and mixed containers. Its jagged leaves...
Coleus 'Saturn's Rings' (height 16"-24"; upright) Stable sport of Saturn that has a nearly chartreuse leaf and a dark purple ring at the edge of the leaves. Vigorous and showy....