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Multi-Colored Varieties

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  • All That Jazz


    All That Jazz

    Coleus TerraScape™ 'All That Jazz' (height 10"-12"; mounding) TerraScape™ 'All That Jazz' Coleus' has deeply scalloped leaves of bright green with a red center and purple veining. It has a...
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  • Allison



    Sku: A3
    Coleus 'Allison' (height 16"- 24"; upright) Purple and magenta center with a lacy edge of green and purple. Color deepens in strong light. Sturdy and sun tolerant. A Rosy Dawn Gardens introduction....
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    Sku: A3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Angel



    Sku: A17
    Coleus 'Angel' (height 10"; trailing) Part of the Great Falls line of semi-trailing coleus, the small rounded leaves of 'Angel' are bright pink rimmed with purple and a bright green edge....
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    Sku: A17
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Barracuda



    Sku: B37
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Barracuda' (height 12"-16"; mounding) Toothy golden leaves are netted with red and have a dark purple blaze in the center. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture....
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    Sku: B37
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Caracas



    Sku: C5
    Coleus 'Caracas' (height 14"-22"; upright) Deeply puckered leaves of dark purple and green have contrasting red veins. A loopy scalloped edge of bright yellow finishes off this stunning coleus. A Vern...
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    Sku: C5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Copperhead Copperhead
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    Coleus 'Copperhead' (height 14"-26"; upright) ‘Copperhead’ features spiky, red-orange leaves with a bright lime edge. It has a compact growth habit and is great for containers in sun or part shade. A Ball...
    Availability: Out Of Stock
  • Cracklin' Rosie


    Cracklin' Rosie

    Sku: C24
    Coleus 'Cracklin' Rosie' (height 18"-24"; upright) Cracklin' Rosie makes you smile! This coleus has lance-shaped leaves that are richly layered with shades of red. The center is electric lime with a...
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    Sku: C24
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Cranberry Sun


    Cranberry Sun

    Sku: C19
    Coleus 'Cranberry Sun' (height 16"-22"; upright) A magical blend of magenta, red, and purple on a heavily textured, ruffled leaf - a very unique and rich color! Blends beautifully with other coleus...
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    Sku: C19
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Dipt in Wine


    Dipt in Wine

    Sku: D17
    Coleus 'Dipt in Wine' (height 24"-30"; upright) Merlot-stained leaves have dramatic yellow centers for great contrast. A customer favorite! Originally developed and introduced as 'Kona Red' by Vern Ogren it has become...
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    Sku: D17
    Availability: In Stock
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  • El Brighto


    El Brighto

    Sku: E2
    Coleus 'El Brighto' (height 16"-24"; upright) This is a favorite of customers and of ours! Visitors never fail to notice and admire 'El Brighto'! Its leaves have a purple center surrounded by...
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    Sku: E2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Electric Eel


    Electric Eel

    Sku: E16
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Electric Eel'(height 15"-18"; mounding) Pointed leaves are electric pink with a chartreuse edge. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture. Patented, propagation prohibited. Common Name: ColeusSpecies...
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    Sku: E16
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Elfers



    Sku: E3
    Coleus 'Elfers' (height 16"-24"; upright) The leaves of this coleus are a magical swirl of deep purple, green, and magenta. Bright light will bring out the rich coloration. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name:...
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    Sku: E3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fire Coral


    Fire Coral

    Sku: F34
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Fire Coral'(height 12"-16"; mounding) Deeply-lobed leaves have a nearly black center, and the edge is on fire with yellow, red, and orange. Developed by Chris Baker...
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    Sku: F34
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fire Fingers


    Fire Fingers

    Sku: F6
    Coleus 'Fire Fingers'(height 14"-18"; mounding) Deeply lobed duck foot type coleus with leaves of purple, edged with medium green. The centers of the leaves develop a flame of red in...
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    Sku: F6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fishnet Gold
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    Fishnet Gold


    Fishnet Gold

    Sku: F35
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Fishnet Gold'(height 15"-18"; upright) Beautifully-shaped golden leaves have striking red veining. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture. Patented, propagation prohibited. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus...
    Sku: F35
    Availability: Out Of Stock
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