Click on the small image to get product detail and a larger image. Heights are approximate and based on one season’s average growth. Coleus grown in southern states with very long summers may exceed our approximations. With the exception of images provided by suppliers, our photos are taken of coleus grown in our Michigan greenhouse with 50% shade protection. Leaf color is subject to sun exposure, day length, fertilization, etc. and individual results may vary.

Coleus E to K

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  • El Brighto


    El Brighto

    Sku: E2
    Coleus 'El Brighto' (height 16"-24"; upright) This is a favorite of customers and of ours! Visitors never fail to notice and admire 'El Brighto'! Its leaves have a purple center surrounded by...
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    Sku: E2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Electric Coral


    Electric Coral

    Sku: E13
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Electric Coral' (medium 12"-18"; upright)Hot crimson, deeply-lobed leaves have a striking chartreuse edge. Vibrant coloration lives up to the name! Part of Hort Couture's 'Coleus Under...
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    Sku: E13
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Electric Eel


    Electric Eel

    Sku: E16
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Electric Eel'(height 15"-18"; mounding) Pointed leaves are electric pink with a chartreuse edge. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture. Patented, propagation prohibited. Common Name: ColeusSpecies...
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    Sku: E16
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Electric Lime


    Electric Lime

    Sku: E9
    Coleus 'Electric Lime' (height 18"-24"; upright) The leaves of this lime-green coleus are covered with a contrasting net of bright yellow. So many gardeners depend on the popular and sturdy' Electric Lime'...
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    Sku: E9
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Elfers



    Sku: E3
    Coleus 'Elfers' (height 16"-24"; upright) The leaves of this coleus are a magical swirl of deep purple, green, and magenta. Bright light will bring out the rich coloration. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name:...
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    Sku: E3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Empire Red


    Empire Red

    Sku: E15
    Coleus 'Empire Red'(height 20"-28"; upright) 'Empire Red' has leaves of bright red dappled with darker red toward the outside of the leaf. The softly scalloped edge is speckled with bright green....
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    Sku: E15
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Enchantress



    Sku: E6
    Coleus 'Enchantress' (height 12"-18"; upright)Deep purple, ruffled and textured leaf with a magenta center. The deep, saturated color is gorgeous! Growth habit is compact and good for urns and medium-sized combination pots....
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    Sku: E6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Eruption



    Coleus 'Eruption' (height 18"- 24"; upright) Stained Glassworks® 'Eruption' has deep burgundy leaves with a bright green edge and rosy-pink center. This sturdy variety demonstrated decent sun tolerance in trials but when growing in areas with extreme...
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    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fancy Feathers Copper


    Fancy Feathers Copper

    Sku: F32
    Coleus Terra Nova 'Fancy Feathers Copper' (height 4"; mounding) Terra Nova® 'Fancy Feathers™ Copper' forms a mounding tuffet of narrow feather-like, copper-orange leaves. Looks adorable in a small pot and...
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    Sku: F32
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fancy Koi


    Fancy Koi

    Sku: F33
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Fancy Koi' (height 15"-18"; mounding) Deeply-lobed red-orange leaves have a bright golden edge. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture. Patented, propagation prohibited. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name:...
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    Sku: F33
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Felix



    Sku: F2
    Coleus 'Felix'(height 16"-24"; upright) Velvety deep eggplant-purple leaves that never fail to draw attention because of the unique deeply scalloped, delicate yellow-green edge. Great contrast in color. Sun tolerant. A...
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    Sku: F2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fire Coral


    Fire Coral

    Sku: F34
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Fire Coral'(height 12"-16"; mounding) Deeply-lobed leaves have a nearly black center, and the edge is on fire with yellow, red, and orange. Developed by Chris Baker...
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    Sku: F34
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fire Fingers


    Fire Fingers

    Sku: F6
    Coleus 'Fire Fingers'(height 14"-18"; mounding) Deeply lobed duck foot type coleus with leaves of purple, edged with medium green. The centers of the leaves develop a flame of red in...
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    Sku: F6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Fishnet Gold
    Sold Out

    Fishnet Gold


    Fishnet Gold

    Sku: F35
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Fishnet Gold'(height 15"-18"; upright) Beautifully-shaped golden leaves have striking red veining. Developed by Chris Baker for Hort Couture. Patented, propagation prohibited. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus...
    Sku: F35
    Availability: Out Of Stock
  • Fishnet Stockings


    Fishnet Stockings

    Sku: F8
    Coleus 'Fishnet Stockings' (height 14"-22"; upright) Wide, bright green leaves with sharply contrasting deep purple veining. Unusual and dramatic, this coleus is always a favorite! A Pam Baggett introduction. Common...
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    Sku: F8
    Availability: In Stock
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