Click on the small image to get product detail and a larger image. Heights are approximate and based on one season’s average growth. Coleus grown in southern states with very long summers may exceed our approximations. With the exception of images provided by suppliers, our photos are taken of coleus grown in our Michigan greenhouse with 50% shade protection. Leaf color is subject to sun exposure, day length, fertilization, etc. and individual results may vary.

Coleus E to K

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  • Heartbreaker



    Sku: H17
    Coleus 'Heartbreaker' (height 14"-26"; upright) A Ball FloraPlant Introduction. ‘Heartbreaker’ has a wide leaf with a heart of blazing hot pink rimmed in purple and a bright green edge. Sun tolerant. Patented,...
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    Sku: H17
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Henna



    Sku: H10
    Coleus 'Henna' (medium 14"-28"; upright) Green-gold leaves with frilly, lobed edges of copper. Back of leaf and stems are burgundy. Sun tolerant. Part of the ChargedUp™ Collection from Ball FloraPlant. Patented,...
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    Sku: H10
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Hermit Crab


    Hermit Crab

    Sku: H14
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Hermit Crab' (medium 12"-16"; mounding) Frilly leaves of soft salmon-pink, purple, and fuchsia edged in green. Has a soft, blousy effect. Best in partial shade. More...
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    Sku: H14
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Hottie



    Sku: H15
    Coleus Terra Nova 'Hottie'(height 10"; mounding/trailing) Color Clouds™ 'Hottie' has broad, lime green leaves with magenta veins. It spreads up to 30", so it is great as a basket coleus or...
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    Sku: H15
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Iguazu



    Sku: I6
    Coleus 'Iguazu'(height 10"; trailing) Part of the Great Falls line of semi-trailing coleus, the small rounded leaves of 'Iguazu' are purple with a green edge and a hot-pink center. The...
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    Sku: I6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Indian Summer


    Indian Summer

    Sku: I7
    Coleus 'Indian Summer'(height 14"-28"; upright) ‘Indian Summer’ is a multi-colored variety with earth tones of red, green, and brown. High light brings out the red tones. The leaf is wide...
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    Sku: I7
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Inferno



    Sku: I5
    Coleus 'Inferno' (height 14"-28"; upright) 'Inferno' has saturated, deep orange coloration and textured leaves. Color is consistent, even in shady conditions. Sun tolerant. Part of the ChargedUp™ Collection from Ball FloraPlant.Patented,...
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    Sku: I5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Inky Fingers


    Inky Fingers

    Sku: I3
    Coleus 'Inky Fingers'(height 12" - 18"; mounding) Classic and popular duckfoot variety. Deep purple leaves are edged with bright green. Combines well with almost any coleus. Has a bushy form that...
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    Sku: I3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Jo-Jo



    Sku: J6
    Coleus 'Jo-Jo' (height 16"-24"; upright) Beautiful, chartreuse leaves with bright green netting are displayed on a husky plant. A warm red/pink blush may develop in the leaf center. Protect from...
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    Sku: J6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Juicy Lucy


    Juicy Lucy

    Sku: J10
    Coleus 'Juicy Lucy' (height 18"-24"; upright) Wide, soft leaves of orange-red are surrounded at the edge with a lacy yellow pattern. Sun tolerant. A Baker's Acres original. Common Name: ColeusSpecies...
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    Sku: J10
    Availability: In Stock
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  • King Crab


    King Crab

    Sku: K12
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'King Crab' (height 18"-24"; upright) Wide, red leaves with a golden-edged, claw-like fringe. The leaves are quite large on a mature plant. Vigorous grower and one...
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    Sku: K12
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Kingwood Karnival


    Kingwood Karnival

    Sku: K4
    Coleus 'Kingwood Karnival'(height 16"-24"; upright) Petticoat-type coleus with leaves colored green, purple, and red, with the heavily fringed edges a bright yellow in good light. Sturdy, reliable, and sun tolerant....
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    Sku: K4
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Kiwi Fern


    Kiwi Fern

    Sku: K7
    Coleus 'Kiwi Fern'(height 12"-18"; mounding) Favored for its unusual, airy quality, this coleus has narrow, frilly leaves that are dark purple and red with yellow highlights at the edge. Fabulous for...
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    Sku: K7
    Availability: In Stock
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