Coleus have historically been considered shade plants, and most benefit from protection from mid-day sun. The coleus in this category are the best at tolerating full sun. Make sure to harden-off your coleus and acclimate them to full sun conditions before planting. (See our coleus care page for instructions.) Full sun conditions might alter the look of your coleus or cause damage to the leaf. Coleus grown in full sun need to be watered often to look their best, especially on windy days, so do not place them out of easy reach of the hose!

Sun Tolerant Coleus

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  • Chartres Street


    Chartres Street

    Coleus 'Main Street Chartres Street' (height 16"-24"; upright) Mainstreet Chartres Street™ has chartreuse green leaves that blend into a yellow edge. The Main Street series are compact, uniform growers that...
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  • Chipotle



    Sku: C51
    Coleus 'Chipotle' (height 12"-18"; mounding) Part of the Ball FloraPlant FlameThrower™ series, 'Chipotle' has spiky green-gold leaves with a smoky mahogany center. The compact habit make this striking coleus ideal for...
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    Sku: C51
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Chocolate Mint


    Chocolate Mint

    Coleus Talavera™ 'Chocolate Mint' (height 14"-36"; upright) Talavera™ 'Chocolate Mint' is beautiful in its simplicity. The velvety dark leaves and the  bright green edge contrast beautifully with each other, just as this coleus...
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  • Chocolate Velveteen


    Chocolate Velveteen

    Coleus Talavera™ 'Chocolate Velveteen' (height 14"-36"; upright) Talavera™ 'Chocolate Velveteen' has dark burgundy leaves, with an underside that is decidedly purple. We know that there are some people that want only the deepest, darkest...
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    Availability: In Stock
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  • Coleosaurus



    Sku: C45
    Coleus 'Coleosaurus Improved' (height 24"-36"; upright) A Ball FloraPlant® Introduction. Improved stability for 2023, the deep golden leaves are netted with crimson red. Color deepens dramatically in strong light. Sturdy and...
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    Sku: C45
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Copperhead



    Coleus 'Copperhead' (height 14"-26"; upright) ‘Copperhead’ features spiky, red-orange leaves with a bright lime edge. It has a compact growth habit and is great for containers in sun or part shade. A Ball...
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  • Darth Vader


    Darth Vader

    Sku: D5
    Coleus 'Darth Vader' (height 16"-24"; upright) Very narrow, lance shaped leaves of deep purple with irregular chartreuse edging. Tall and linear, it is great for the back of a combination planting as...
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    Sku: D5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Defiance



    Sku: D7
    Coleus 'Defiance' (height 16"-24"; upright) This heirloom coleus can't be beat for color contrast and that classic red coleus look. Bright red, pointed narrow leaves with a wide bright yellow...
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    Sku: D7
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Dipt in Wine


    Dipt in Wine

    Sku: D17
    Coleus 'Dipt in Wine' (height 24"-30"; upright) Merlot-stained leaves have dramatic yellow centers for great contrast. A customer favorite! Originally developed and introduced as 'Kona Red' by Vern Ogren it has become...
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    Sku: D17
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Downtown Dallas


    Downtown Dallas

    Coleus Down Town™ 'Dallas'(height 16"-24"; mounding) Down Town™ 'Dallas has dark maroon leaves that are fine-textured and serrated. Plant has a compact habit and gives small spaces a bold look. Like...
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  • El Brighto


    El Brighto

    Sku: E2
    Coleus 'El Brighto' (height 16"-24"; upright) This is a favorite of customers and of ours! Visitors never fail to notice and admire 'El Brighto'! Its leaves have a purple center surrounded by...
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    Sku: E2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Electric Lime


    Electric Lime

    Sku: E9
    Coleus 'Electric Lime' (height 18"-24"; upright) The leaves of this lime-green coleus are covered with a contrasting net of bright yellow. So many gardeners depend on the popular and sturdy' Electric Lime'...
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    Sku: E9
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Elfers



    Sku: E3
    Coleus 'Elfers' (height 16"-24"; upright) The leaves of this coleus are a magical swirl of deep purple, green, and magenta. Bright light will bring out the rich coloration. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name:...
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    Sku: E3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Empire Red


    Empire Red

    Sku: E15
    Coleus 'Empire Red'(height 20"-28"; upright) 'Empire Red' has leaves of bright red dappled with darker red toward the outside of the leaf. The softly scalloped edge is speckled with bright green....
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    Sku: E15
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Eruption



    Coleus 'Eruption' (height 18"- 24"; upright) Stained Glassworks® 'Eruption' has deep burgundy leaves with a bright green edge and rosy-pink center. This sturdy variety demonstrated decent sun tolerance in trials but when growing in areas with extreme...
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    Availability: In Stock
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