Since we carry both patented and non-patented coleus, we are often asked which coleus can be purchased from us and legally propagated. The coleus in this listing, to our knowledge, are all free from patents.

Non-Patented Coleus

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  • Florida Inferno


    Florida Inferno

    Sku: F22
    Coleus 'Florida Inferno' (height16"-22"; upright) Sunny, yellow leaves have an deep red center and red speckles radiating out to the edge. Beautiful and sun tolerant. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus...
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    Sku: F22
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Florida Sun Rose


    Florida Sun Rose

    Sku: F12
    Coleus 'Florida Sun Rose' (height 12"-18"; upright) Fringed leaves of deep purple with a pink/magenta edge often have yellow, green and red highlights. While classified as an upright, this variety...
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    Sku: F12
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Gay's Delight


    Gay's Delight

    Sku: G2
    Coleus 'Gay's Delight' (height 16"-24"; upright) Wide chartreuse leaves with thin, nearly black veining. Sun tolerant. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus scutellarioidesTemperature: Coleus come from a tropical climate and need...
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    Sku: G2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Giant Fantasy


    Giant Fantasy

    Sku: G4
    Coleus 'Giant Fantasy'(height 24"-30"; upright) Tall coleus with large, deeply lobed fantasy leaves of burgundy edged in bright green. Sturdy and lush! Great coleus for a pot or garden bed....
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    Sku: G4
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Gilda



    Sku: G5
    Coleus 'Gilda' (height16"-24"; upright) Ruffled leaves of dark purple are surrounded by glowing yellow and netted with red. Give this beauty bright light to enhance the "WOW" factor. This is...
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    Sku: G5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Glinda



    Sku: G31
    Coleus 'Glinda'(height 24" - 36"; upright) The beautiful wide leaves of this tall, sturdy coleus are deep purple with ribs and edging of bright magenta. Long summer days bring out...
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    Sku: G31
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Hot Sauce


    Hot Sauce

    Sku: H3
    Coleus 'Hot Sauce' (height 24"- 30"; upright) Dark mahogany coleus has textured leaves and a bright edge that is enhanced by growing in good light. Gorgeous and eye-catching! 'Hot Sauce'...
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    Sku: H3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Inky Fingers


    Inky Fingers

    Sku: I3
    Coleus 'Inky Fingers'(height 12" - 18"; mounding) Classic and popular duckfoot variety. Deep purple leaves are edged with bright green. Combines well with almost any coleus. Has a bushy form that...
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    Sku: I3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Jo-Jo



    Sku: J6
    Coleus 'Jo-Jo' (height 16"-24"; upright) Beautiful, chartreuse leaves with bright green netting are displayed on a husky plant. A warm red/pink blush may develop in the leaf center. Protect from...
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    Sku: J6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Juicy Lucy


    Juicy Lucy

    Sku: J10
    Coleus 'Juicy Lucy' (height 18"-24"; upright) Wide, soft leaves of orange-red are surrounded at the edge with a lacy yellow pattern. Sun tolerant. A Baker's Acres original. Common Name: ColeusSpecies...
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    Sku: J10
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Kingwood Karnival


    Kingwood Karnival

    Sku: K4
    Coleus 'Kingwood Karnival'(height 16"-24"; upright) Petticoat-type coleus with leaves colored green, purple, and red, with the heavily fringed edges a bright yellow in good light. Sturdy, reliable, and sun tolerant....
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    Sku: K4
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Kiwi Fern


    Kiwi Fern

    Sku: K7
    Coleus 'Kiwi Fern'(height 12"-18"; mounding) Favored for its unusual, airy quality, this coleus has narrow, frilly leaves that are dark purple and red with yellow highlights at the edge. Fabulous for...
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    Sku: K7
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Lemon & Lime


    Lemon & Lime

    Sku: L5
    Coleus 'Lemon & Lime' (height 18"-24"; upright) Crisp, green leaves with hints of purple veining and a bright, lemon-yellow edge. Frilly and pretty as well as sun-tolerant! The winter color...
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    Sku: L5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Madalyn



    Sku: M39
    Coleus 'Madalyn'(height 14"- 18"; upright) Madalyn's glowing pink leaf has a wavy edge of bright green with flashes of yellow. Back in the catalog after a long absence, we sadly believed...
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    Sku: M39
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Mariposa



    Sku: M5
    Coleus 'Mariposa'(height 24"-34; upright) Very wide, textured leaves are a deep purple that transitions to bright pink. Long summer days and bright light will bring out the glorious, saturated color....
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    Sku: M5
    Availability: In Stock
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