Click on the small image to get product detail and a larger image. Heights are approximate and based on one season’s average growth. Coleus grown in southern states with very long summers may exceed our approximations. With the exception of images provided by suppliers, our photos are taken of coleus grown in our Michigan greenhouse with 50% shade protection. Leaf color is subject to sun exposure, day length, fertilization, etc. and individual results may vary.

Coleus S to Z

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  • Trusty Rusty


    Trusty Rusty

    Sku: T38
    Coleus 'Trusty Rusty' (large 18"-36"; upright) A Ball FloraPlant Introduction. ‘Trusty Rusty’ has a bold copper-red leaf with a golden-yellow border. With its tall stature and vigorous growth, it is...
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    Sku: T38
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Vegas Neon


    Vegas Neon

    Coleus Down Town™ 'Vegas Neon' (height 12"-18"; mounding) Down Town™ 'Vegas Neon' Coleus has jagged, rosy leaves bordered with a wide edge of green, purple, and flecks of gold. The Down Town™ collection...
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    Availability: In Stock
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  • Velvet



    Sku: V10
    Coleus 'Velvet'(height 18"- 26"; upright) High-contrast color with a velvety leaf texture. This sturdy, medium-sized coleus is a real show-off! It sports a glowing golden midrib with a wide, burgundy edge....
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    Sku: V10
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Velvet Lime


    Velvet Lime

    Sku: V2
    Coleus 'Velvet Lime' (medium 18"-24"; upright) Beautiful, understated coleus has wide leaves of burgundy with green netting around the edge. This is a sturdy heirloom coleus that is sun tolerant....
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    Sku: V2
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Venice Boulevard


    Venice Boulevard

    Coleus Main Street ™ 'Venice Boulevard' (height 20"-26""; upright)  Main Street ™ 'Venice Boulevard' Coleus' attractive serrated leaves are golden to chartreuse with coppery-red veining. This pleasing color combination has been quite sought after in recent...
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    Availability: In Stock
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  • Vern's Vulcan


    Vern's Vulcan

    Sku: V6
    Coleus 'Vern's Vulcan' (height 16"-24"; upright) Textured, deep rose-red leaves have a toothy bright green edge. This one will stop you in your tracks! Loves bright light. Sturdy and sun...
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    Sku: V6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Vino



    Sku: V8
    Coleus 'Vino' (large 18"-30"; upright) A Ball FloraPlant Introduction. Deep wine-colored leaves have a thin edge of bright green. Will turn very dark in full sun. Can take sun but...
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    Sku: V8
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Wasabi



    Sku: W10
    Coleus 'Wasabi'(height 18"-36"; upright) A Ball FloraPlant Introduction. Deeply serrated, chartreuse leaves are flawless. This is truly the most sunfast coleus of this color we have ever trialed. Durable and sun...
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    Sku: W10
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Watermelon



    Sku: W1
    Coleus 'Watermelon' (height 16"-20"; upright) This coleus has frilly, deep watermelon-red leaves with a bright green netted edge. Bright light brings a deeper red. Has a neat, compact growing habit....
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    Sku: W1
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Wild Lime


    Wild Lime

    Sku: W3
    Coleus 'Wild Lime' (medium 16"-22"; upright) We are happy to once again offer this old favorite. The bright yellow leaves are surrounded by a ruffled green border. What sets this...
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    Sku: W3
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Wildstreak



    Sku: W4
    Coleus 'Wildstreak'(height 14"-18"; mounding) Crazy leaves of deep purple with a yellow edge are deeply-lobed and widely variable in color. Good light brings out red to orange highlights. This coleus...
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    Sku: W4
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Yellow Dragon


    Yellow Dragon

    Sku: Y5
    Coleus 'Yellow Dragon' (height 8"-10"; mounding) Tidy, compact coleus with deeply lobed, ferny leaves of yellow rimmed with a thin red edge. Common Name: ColeusSpecies name: Coleus scutellarioidesTemperature: Coleus come...
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    Sku: Y5
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Yellowfin Tuna


    Yellowfin Tuna

    Sku: Y6
    Coleus Under The Sea™ 'Yellowfin Tuna'(height 14"-18"; upright) Deeply-lobed leaves of bright yellow-green create a dense, bushy mound. Very textural and adds interest and a welcome pop of color to a...
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    Sku: Y6
    Availability: In Stock
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  • Yosemite



    Sku: Y7
    Coleus 'Yosemite'(height 10"-12"; trailing) Part of the Great Falls line of trailing coleus, the small rounded leaves of 'Yosemite' are yellow with a jagged green edge. Few trailing coleus are...
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    Sku: Y7
    Availability: In Stock
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